No matter what small business you own there are definite advantages to having a blog. There is no question that you will outrank your competitors in search engines if you have a blog and they do not.
Why should your small business have a blog?
* The first reason is to build trust with your potential buyers. When they read your blog they can get a feel for your personality, ethics and workmanship. You become a real person to you and therefore more trustworthy.
* The second advantage is the ability to interact with your present or future customers. Ask for feedback or get their opinions. A blog invites people to leave comments. This is particularly useful if you are testing a new product or trying to improve they buyer experience on your website.
* The biggest advantage is the value it adds to your website. From a search engine's perspective, their product is information. they want to deliver the most up-to-date information to their customers (ie: searchers). Each post you add to your blog counts as fresh content or another page added to your website. Google and other search engines thrive on fresh new content and will give your site more value than any site that is not blogging.
* Effective use of keywords and SEO for each blog post can skyrocket your website to the top of Google and other search engine rankings.
But how do you blog effectively? There are many free or paid internet marketing courses online that will show you the art of blogging for small businesses. There is a science to it but thankfully it is not rocket science. Anyone can do it once they know how. Find an internet marketer who has experience and is willing to teach and mentor you to the top. The best ones will teach the basics of internet marketing your business for free so you will be making sales online before paying for more advanced lessons.
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